Tuesday, December 18, 2007
The easiest and most effective method gardeners use to eliminate odors is using a negative ion generator. These units are sometimes called ion fountains or air ionizers. Negative ion generators charge air molecules with extra electrons, giving them a negative charge. When negatively charged air ions comes in contact with a positively charged dust particle, the air molecule gives up its electron. The positively charged particle is neutralized and no longer floats since it is not as influenced by electrical charges. The particle drops from the air (precipitates) and falls onto the wall or floor. It no longer creates an odor out of your marijuana seeds that now are plants.
Monday, December 10, 2007
Cannabis Fettilizer
Plants are sometimes grown using a nutrient solution containing no N for the last 10 days. Many of the larger leaves yellow and wither as N migrates from old to new growth. The fertilizer should be complete, that is, it should contain all of the secondary and trace elements. Some fertilizers do not contain Mg. This is supplemented using Epsom salts, available at drug stores. Sometimes growers prefer to use more than one fertilizer. They find that changing the formulas and ingredients helps to prevent stresses and deficiencies. However, the chemicals in each fertilizer are blended to remain soluble (semillas de marihuana). Different fertilizer formulas may react with each other. As a result some of the chemicals may precipitate and become unavailable to the plants. To prevent this growers use only one fertilizer at each watering.
Monday, December 3, 2007
Building the right soil for cannabis
This helps prevent over fertilization. Organic MixesThese mixes contain organic ingredients which help to support plant growth and act as a buffer. 4 parts topsoil, 1 part peat moss, 1 part vermiculite, 1 part perlite. Moist. Contains medium high amounts of nutrients. Best for hand watering systems.1 part worm castings, 2 parts vermiculite, 1 part perlite. Light weight, high in nutrients.1 part worm castings, 1 part compost, 1 part topsoil, 2 parts vermiculite, 2 parts perlite, 3 parts styrofoam. Holds high amounts of water and air.1 part worm castings, 1 part peat moss, 1 part lava, 1 part vermiculite, 1 part perlite, 1 part styrofoam. Good buffering capabilities.Inorganic Mixes These mixes contain only sterile, inert ingredients and have no nutrient value. 1 part vermiculite, 1 part perlite.3 parts vermiculite, 3 parts perlite, 2 parts styrofoam.1 part vermiculite, 1 part perlite, 2 parts styrofoam, 1 part sand, I part lava, 1 part peat moss (semillas de marihuana).Lava, pea sized gravel or small ceramic beads alone or mixed with a little vermiculite.
Monday, November 26, 2007
Men, women and cannabis
The rate of cannabis use by women has been increasing in recent decades. This study examined the etiology of cannabis use and abuse among women and the possible role of genetic risk factors. In women, genetic risk factors have a moderate impact on the probability of ever using cannabis and a strong impact on the liability to heavy use, abuse, and, probably, dependence. By contrast, the family and social environment substantially influences risk of ever using cannabis but plays little role in the probability of developing heavy cannabis use or abuse. Fifty-three UK and 59 USA people with multiple sclerosis (MS) answered anonymously the first questionnaire on cannabis use and MS. From 97 to 30% of the subjects reported cannabis improved (in descending rank order): spasticity, chronic pain of extremities, acute paroxysmal phenomenon, tremor, emotional dysfunction, anorexia/weight loss, fatigue states, double vision, sexual dysfunction, bowel and bladder dysfunctions, vision dimness, dysfunctions of walking and balance, and memory loss.
Monday, November 19, 2007
Going Feminized
Humans discovered the psychoactive qualities of the plant thousands of years ago. The Scythians, who lived in northeastern Europe around 100 B.C, inhaled cannabis fumes in enclosed rooms. The practices were described by Herodotus, a Roman, who is considered by Westerners to be the world’s first historian. The tribe had not yet discovered the efficiencies of the smoking pipe. Before recorded history various cannabis varieties were developed by a combination of selective breeding and acclimatization. For instance, people gathering seeds for food would tend to propagate large-seeded plants whose seeds stayed on the stem. Cannabis usually developed into hemp in areas above the 30th parallel and contained small but variable amounts of the psychoactive substance, THC. Hemp does contain large amounts of a nearly non-psychoactive precursor of THC, cannabidiol, or CBD like this white widow feminized. The ratio of CBD to THC in cannabis increases with increasing latitudes of adapted plants.
Monday, November 12, 2007
A well-used and resinous pipe screen also works well. There may be a difference in the potency of the oil when smoked in this manner (placing the flame directly on the oil). When the oil is smoked in an oil vaporization pipe or on aluminum foil, the oil is not actually burned, but distilled. The heat of the lighter causes the oil to vaporize and your lungs act as a condenser. The product actually entering your lungs is slightly different than when the oil is actually burned. Perhaps this accounts for the more predominant tendency to cough when the oil is smoked in the oil pipe.Thanks for the recipe for “Texas Super Hash”, but can anyone suggest a good binding agent or some type of press for the hash? It seems that mine never hardens fast enough before I smoke it; and I’d like to add that people around here are amazed at what my little toy can do (semi di marijuana). Many thanks for introducing the to Massachusetts.
Thursday, November 8, 2007
not only thc
You’re right again on the long-term storage of cannabis. There is probably no better form than 8-on-1 Isohash for long-term storage. What happens when cannabis gets old and loses its power is that the THC oxidates into a non-psychoactive substance. Exposure to air, light and heat cause this to happen. Any substance that has been processed should be kept in an airtight, light proof container in the freezer.Hi. I just came up with a hash-making method that produces a product far superior to that of 0l’ Tex! I just happened to find this out while checking out that article on the Isomerizer in Head magazine. I was familiar with the Isomerization process as I had gone to a college medical library and looked up the formula reference given by David in Cannabis (semi di marijuana). Kicking the cannabidiol element over to high-rotating THC is a pretty clear-cut thing. Well, I decided to dig into this decarboxalation trip and see what it was all about. It was while checking this out at the library that I came across the hash making method that should cause me to go down in the annals of Hash Making History.
Monday, November 5, 2007
cannabis weekend
Save the green solvent and replace the wet herb in the soaking vessel.Add the fresh solvent to the herb in the soaking vessel and soak for another 24 hours.Pour off the solvent through the filter paper, add the green solvent to that obtained before, and re soak again in fresh solvent. Repeating this process several more times has cut my soxhleting time to often less than two hours for complete extraction. I work during the week and I like to have as much time as
possible on the weekends, so I have used this process to cut my actual machine operation time to just a few hours. I begin my soaking on Sunday and change the solvent every night until the next Saturday. This takes about five minutes each night. I begin soxhleting Saturday morning, and after a very short time the cannabis is almost completely brown, indicating a good extraction. I then Isomerize® and am smokin’ by noon. It seems to me that if you have cannabis and solvent you should always have some soaking.Several extra cycles of soaking in fresh alcohol will cut the extraction time considerably.
possible on the weekends, so I have used this process to cut my actual machine operation time to just a few hours. I begin my soaking on Sunday and change the solvent every night until the next Saturday. This takes about five minutes each night. I begin soxhleting Saturday morning, and after a very short time the cannabis is almost completely brown, indicating a good extraction. I then Isomerize® and am smokin’ by noon. It seems to me that if you have cannabis and solvent you should always have some soaking.Several extra cycles of soaking in fresh alcohol will cut the extraction time considerably.
Thursday, November 1, 2007
it's just cannabis
After removing all the solvent and draining the condenser, the drums are opened, and all the cannabis material is scooped out and stored in a closed drum. The cannabis oil/solvent mixture is replaced in the lower drum and assembled for distillation and collection of the solvent. The funnel, which is held by the empty soxhlet chamber, collects the recondensed drops of pure solvent as they fall from the tubes. Graines de cannabis.The liquid runs through a hose to the fitting on the side of the drum. Another hose on the outside takes the solvent to a receiving barrel, where it is collected. When all the solvent is evaporated, a heavy film of oil coats the bottom of the lower drum. This is redissolved in a small amount of solvent and the mixture is removed from the drum. The mixture is stored in an unbreakable container. The damp, powdered cannabis is replaced in the drum and the solvent just removed and collected is added. The apparatus is assembled and operated as before, then refluxing for three hours, draining and collecting the oil. The bottom of the soxhiet chamber is fitted with a filter paper and set in the lower drum.
Monday, October 29, 2007
cannabis oil...
This is sifted through a piece of nylon stocking or a very fine mesh screen. Many times the taste of the hashish is improved if the oils giving the marijuana its taste and smell are removed from the dust. This is accomplished by extracting it with alcohol in the stew-pot apparatus as described earlier. Further extraction of the compounds contributing to the taste and smell is accomplished by boiling in water. All solvent is removed from the dust first, as the fumes might present a fire hazard. The water is filtered from the dust and the process is repeated with fresh water until the water remains clear, indicating that all soluble substances have been leached from the cellulose material. The cannabis dust is thoroughly dried, and is then ready to be mixed with the oil. The mixing is facilitated by first heating the dust and oil and then working them together in a large mortar, or by kneading the mass with the hands. Thin, fiat, hand-pressed patties like those from Afghanistan may be fashioned, or one may mold clumps of “fingers” or round “temple balls” such as those found in Nepal. Flat sheets and blocks may be formed by pressing the mixture between two heated steel plates in a vise.
Thursday, October 25, 2007
from cannabidiol to THC
Metal pot of at least 2000 ml as hot oil bath for heating boiling flask.Thermometer for monitoring the oil bath temperature.Sparkless electric hotplate.Rheostat to control temperature of hotplate from outside the box.Ring stand and proper clamps for securing flask and condenser.Cottonseed oil.Acetic anhydride.Immersible water pump, bucket, and hoses for filling condenser.The principle of the refluxing operation is approximately the same as was used for
isomerizing the cannabidiol to THC with the kitchen apparatus (in italian: semi marijuana). The explosive and noxious nature of the acetic anhydride necessitates the use of the safety box. Although a glove box is unnecessary for the operations of extraction and isomerization using the kitchen method previously described, these steps may also be done in the box as an added measure of safety. The solution of acetic anhydride and cannabis oil is boiled in the round-bottom flask. The fumes rise into the icewater-cooled condenser, where they are condensed back into liquid, thus relieving the pressure created by boiling. The drops then fall back into the solution.
isomerizing the cannabidiol to THC with the kitchen apparatus (in italian: semi marijuana). The explosive and noxious nature of the acetic anhydride necessitates the use of the safety box. Although a glove box is unnecessary for the operations of extraction and isomerization using the kitchen method previously described, these steps may also be done in the box as an added measure of safety. The solution of acetic anhydride and cannabis oil is boiled in the round-bottom flask. The fumes rise into the icewater-cooled condenser, where they are condensed back into liquid, thus relieving the pressure created by boiling. The drops then fall back into the solution.
Wednesday, October 24, 2007
the most potent marijuana
The glass tube is spaced a bit above the emulsion layer; any ether/oil solution not removed will be recovered later. The ether/oil solution in the collection jug is saved. Another volume of fresh petroleum ether is added to the extraction by inverting, separating, and collecting the ether solution, which is added to the first ether/oil solution. This process is repeated until the ether layer remains clear after inverting. This indicates that the ether-soluble oil is totally extracted from the alcohol-and-water layer. No more than several ounces of the combined ether/oil solution is put in the stainless-steel pot, and the collection pan is placed in the colander. The apparatus is reassembled, as was done for the removal of the solvent from the oil after soxhleting. The rig is placed in the water bath and slowly heated to 140°F. After evaporating and collecting the ether (saved for future use), the stainless-steel pot with the oil is put into a boiling water bath for several minutes and stirred occasionally to remove any residual traces of solvent. The refined oil thus obtained is much superior to the oil obtained from the original alcohol extraction.
Tuesday, October 23, 2007
starting this cannabis blog...
The mixer dislodges the trichomes. Now add your materials - which should be leaf and / or bud, but no branches - on top of the water. Add lots more ice and top off with water. Now you're ready for blending. Using a hand mixer, blend 1 gallon kits for 10 minutes, 5 gallon kits for 15 minutes, and 20 gallon kits for 20 minutes. Then let them settle, 20 minutes for the 1 gallon, 30 minutes for the 5 gallon, and 45 minutes for the 20 gallon kit. This allows all the tiny heads you've dislodged from the plant matter to sink and fall through the screens. Best results can only be achieved by ensuring there's still ice left when you reach this point. After the brew is allowed to settle, you can start to pull the bags, one by one. First, remove the 220U bag that's holding all the plant matter. Immediately turn it inside out, dispose of the material, and clean the bag with cold water. This is the best way to clean and preserve your Bubblebags. Now you're ready to pull the bags holding the real booty. The material from the next bag, the 190U, may contain some contaminant, but it is still good hash. Remove it from the screen and place it on its corresponding pressing screen, included in the kit, for the water-removal process. Remove the material that's been captured in each of the other bags, the 160U, the 73U, the 45U, and finally, the 25U. Place the material on separate pressing screens provided. Each grade will have unique qualities. To remove most of the remaining water, use a rolling pin. Place the pressing screen on a towel and place another towel on top of it. Then lightly press with the rolling pin. As with buds, drying the resin should not be rushed. "This is where many people make a mistake," says Bubbleman. "They take the final product that's only been mildly pressed and press it in their fingers while it's still wet, resulting in moldy bubble hash in most every case." Using the 25U pressing screen removes most but not all of the water. Take the wet patties and break them up into fine powder over a piece of thick cardboard. This will pull all the water out over the course of a few days, leaving you with a final product that is bone-dry and ready to be stored. In an unpressed state, your bubble hash will smoke like a bowl of trichomes; pressing and curing it will enhance taste and potency even further.
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